Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sam Milby in NY to chase Hollywood dream

One of the Philippines' most bankable Kapamilya star, singer-actor Sam Milby, is now in New York to chase his Hollywood dreams.

In one of his "Heartthrobs" concerts last year, Sam Milby’s looks, talent and stage charm impressed a New York ABC Network TV executive who happened to be watching the show.

The TV executive then invited Milby for a meeting followed by screen tests and interviews.

Milby is making New York his temporary home so he could focus on auditioning for acting roles in US mainstream TV offered by numerous casting agents, thanks to the ABC TV executive.

Milby said, “All emotions wrapped into one, nervous, excitement, siyempre nami-miss ang Pilipinas, but most of all excited.”

He arrived from the Philippines Wednesday to move into his new fully-furnished apartment in Brooklyn, New York.

Milby had two pilot TV show auditions scheduled, just a day after he arrived from Manila.

One for giant network ABC--makers of hit shows like "Desperate Housewives", "Grey's Anatomy", and "Lost".

The other is for CW TV network, known for shows like "Vampire Diaries", "Gossip Girl" and "90210".

Milby said, “My ultimate goal, of course, the whole point of me auditioning is to get into one of the pilot shows... to have that pilot show be picked up by the network to be put into full production.”

Leaving his lucrative career in the Philippines was not an easy decision for Milby.

Now he’s back to square one, after making it in the Philippine show business where he has accomplished a lot including an Emmy nomination for the teleserye “Impostor".

Milby said, “I have to take risks in life, you know what I mean, when I moved to the Philippines, wala naman akong trabaho nu'n eh, you know, I have no idea what I was getting myself into. With this, I have an agency, I have good feedback naman, it’s just going by faith, you know, believing that something good will come out of this.”

The pressure to land a job in Hollywood may be high but Milby keeps himself grounded to the reality that he may or not make it to Hollywood in just three months in the US.

Milby said, “Even if nothing happens, it’s still something good kasi, the experience you know. This is something that will help me grow as a person talaga, no matter what I’ll come out of this a different person and that’s a good thing.”

Milby said if he makes it then he may stay longer in New York.

If not, he will definitely come back again next year when pilot TV shows open its 2013 casting season.



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